Student Services
Student Services
Washington Heritage University provides student service for current students including:
Spiritual advising
Academic advising
Admissions advising
Financial student advising
Student insurance*
Housing services
Tuition payment assistance
Student Council
Tutoring services
Community service
Career placement
Vibrant student life
and many more services related to Student’s spiritual, campus and off-campus life.
WHU also provides a variety of types of counseling and advising that are available to all students:
Academic advising
Financial advising
* WHU does not operate on-campus health services, however the Department of Student Services always welcomes all inquiries related to Health Services, such as the international/domestic Student Insurance Plan.
Student Life & Activities
The Office of Student Services coordinates with the Student Council and WHU administration for the following activities:
New student orientation
Open house
Holiday celebrations
Sharing testimony
Local mission work
Church activities
Community service
Tutoring services
And much more!
Share Your Faith
Washington Heritage University wishes all students at WHU to be committed to a lifestyle of evangelism and to be enthusiastic about sharing their faith every day. As such, WHU offers students the chance to grow and nurture their faith through regular chapel services, opportunities for spiritual advising, and yearly short-term mission trips. While we make sure students learn the tenants of their faith in the classroom, we want to provide them as many opportunities as possible for them to express, to share, and to live out their faith.
Disability Services
Washington Heritage University is committed to accommodating students with physical and learning disabilities. Students must inform the Office of Admissions of their need for an accommodation as soon as possible after applying. The Dean of Student Affairs is responsible for providing accommodations and will need to meet with students to gather further details after the accommodations request has been accepted.
Complaints and Grievance Policies
Grievance procedures and due process exist to maintain a healthy environment in which students, faculty, and staff may study and work in an environment that is safe and compassionate. WHU strives to provide a nurturing Christian environment for its students. A student that has a complaint may do the following:
Use the suggestion box provided on campus.
Meet with the Admissions Office.
File a complaint with the Dean of Students.
Submit an Informal or Formal Grievance against the parties involved in a particular conflict.
Please note that each complaint/grievance is addressed on a case-by-case issue in order to ensure that a satisfactory conclusion is reached for all parties involved. Due to the fluctuating nature of resolving conflicts, only Informal and Formal grievances have specific procedures which the seminary will strictly adhere to. Please address any questions about this to the Student Services Department.
Informal Grievance Procedure
WHU's informal grievance procedure is a voluntary method to resolve any complaints and/or dispute between involved parties before moving on to making a Formal Grievance. The seminary recommends that conflicting parties begin attempting to resolve their conflict through an informal procedure first. The seminary's Human Resources Department is available for consultations and mediations during Informal Grievance procedures. However, it is always up to the student(s) involved in a dispute to determine how they would like to seek resolution.
Students must submit the names, contact information, and a full description of the dispute when filing an informal grievance. Students may request the Student Grievance Form from the Administrative Office. That form will be destroyed once the dispute is resolved, unless student(s) involved wish to take their grievance to the formal level.
For filing specific grievances, please see the following personnel:
Academic Dean for academic disputes.
Student Service Coordinator for non-academic disputes.
For any other type of dispute, any other appropriate school personnel may be available for consultation or mediation.
If an informal grievance does not resolve the dispute, the student(s) involved may make a Formal Grievance.
Formal Grievance Procedure
Students wishing to submit a formal grievance must provide the seminary with the names of student(s) involved, contact information, and a description of the incident. Students may request a Student Grievance Form from the Administrative Office. That form will be destroyed once the dispute is resolved.
The Dean of Students is responsible for examining grievances and for meeting with the involved parties on a one-on-one basis. Students with academic grievances may consult the individual faculty members involved and then, if necessary, the Chief Academic Officer. If a grievance not satisfactorily resolved, the student may appeal directly to the seminary administration for a final hearing.
Students who find that their concerns have not adequately been addressed or solved by the school administration may contact the following agencies:
State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) James Monroe Building
101 N. 14TH St., 10TH FL., Richmond, VA 23219 - 3659
Tel: (804) 225-2600 / Fax: (804) 225-2604
Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools (TRACS)
15935 Forest Road, Forest, Virginia 24551
Tel: (434) 525-9539 / Email:
Student Council
The Student Council is comprised of current students enrolled in one of programs offered at Washington Theological Seminary. Students on the council desire to serve fellow students by developing and leading programs to enrich the spiritual, academic, and social lives of their fellow students at the seminary. The council also serves as a bridge between the administration of the seminary and the students. Students are encouraged to contact the Student Council to learn how they can get involved.
Student Council meetings will be scheduled during the New Student Orientation at the beginning of each semester. Please contact the Dean of Students for more information.